Monday, April 23, 2012

Dealing with Disappointment

Several blog posts ago, I wrote about securing a TV job, but being fearful that it would fall through, leaving me disappointed.  Well, the job did fall through; the network pulled out just three weeks before I was supposed to leave the country.  I was disappointed, (and I cried once), but I kept it pushin' cause life goes on, right?  Three days later I learned that I had booked another TV job--this one a pilot for a national cable talk show.  I was elated... until three days before we were scheduled to shoot, when I learned that that network had pulled out as well.  Once again I was disppointed, only this time I cried for a week and a half.

As I grieved the second loss, I began to grieve the first loss more, plus I began to grieve other losses that I had experienced through my life recently, particularly in my romantic life.   (Yeah, it kinda all snowballed.)  I realized, while writing on the tear-stained pages of my journal, that my losses weren't the biggest ones that someone could endure.  I wasn't facing the loss of a home, or my health, or a loved one.  But still, there was a deep sense of loss and sadness. 

So I allowed myself to feel the loss, and I decided to be really honest with God.  I told Him how disappointed I was, and asked Him to comfort me and infuse me with hope that believes that through it all He is good and will continue to be good to me, no matter what losses I endure.

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