Monday, April 4, 2011

Making the Least of It

A few weeks ago, I entered the scariest season of my life.  I felt a mass in my right breast, and a cloud of questions and fears enveloped me, ironically clearing my vision.

Questions emerged: What if I only have one year left to live?  Two?  Three? What would I do? What would I not do?

I realized that I would:

  • Hike, and Swim, and Be Outside more.
  • Write more about my life following Jesus, as it has been the joy of my life.
  • Smile.  Because smiling is so much more fun than frowning.
  • Get married. (Cause I want to share my life with someone.)  And have sex.

I realized that I wouldn't:

  • Worry about my life and future plans.
  • Care about what people think about me. (Any more than I currently don't.)
  • Buy many more material things. Instead, I'd just give the money away.
  • Do any work that doesn't bring me joy.
  • Complain about the end being near because every single day has been a gift from God.

So, instead of doing more with my life, I find myself wanting to do less.

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