Monday, April 25, 2011

What The Resurrection Means to Me

When I was a little girl, Easter was about new floral dresses, freshly pressed hair, and an Easter basket filled with Cadbury bunnies (You know the ones with the creamy centers?)  Dressed in our Sunday's best, my mom, dad, sister and I would go to church and celebrate Jesus' resurrection.

Now that I'm adult, Easter means so much more to me, and I find that each year brings a richer meaning.  Fully immersed in this third decade of life, my celebration of the Resurrection isn't mostly about the fact that I am forgiven of my many wrongs, flaws, and issues (AKA sin).  It isn't based solely on the fact that I am forever reconciled to my Father God through his son, Jesus Christ.  What I'm most excited for this Easter is the fact that because of Christ, I can also be reconciled to my neighbor--the one who odiously injured me and made me want to hit her. Again. Because of Christ's work on the cross, I can forgive her, when a part of me doesn't want to, because the rest of me knows that through Christ, I too am forgiven.  (So how then, could I not forgive?)

This Easter, I am excited that through Christ's work, black and white people can forgive each other for all past and present wrongs, and be reconciled in true love and brotherhood.

This Easter, I am happy that rich Christians can give generously to poor Christians, because as a part of Christ's reconciling body, we are one.

I am overjoyed this Easter that Jesus is truly the answer for every societal ill and every personal issue. He has dominated sin, and death, and every other icky thing in this life and beyond.  He is God. He reigns supreme.

This Easter, I am happy not only to be in his fold, but to know Him as a friend.  Happy Easter!

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